Le Golf Sainte Baume mène des actions engagées en faveur de la transition écologique

Ecological transition certifications

Golf Sainte Baume is implementing initiatives to foster ecological transition

Ecological transition is a core concern for Resonance Golf Collection. We are committed to tackling the challenge of caring for nature while working with regulatory restrictions and financial issues, and have been doing so for the past few years while operating our Collection golf courses. This work, along with our commitment to the three core concerns of water management, biodiversity protection and product use, has resulted in our golf courses achieving certifications that acknowledge and illustrate their commitment.

Certifications held by Golf Sainte Baume

Le Golf Sainte Baume reçoit le Label Bronze Golf pour la Biodiversité.

Biodiversity-certified golf course

Label Golf Pour La Biodiversité forms part of Programme Golf Pour La Biodiversité, a national programme run by FFGolf with scientific and technical support from Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. The programme’s aim is to improve the knowledge, management and protection of biodiversity in golf course areas as well as to educate golfers.

By participating in this programme, each golf course can achieve a better understanding of its biodiversity and spaces, and can track changes over time, adapt management practices and share experience with other golfing organisations working towards the same goals.

Here are a few examples of our actions:

Installation de 40 Ruches au Golf Sainte Baume : Un Engagement pour la Biodiversité et l'Économie Locale
Préservation de la biodiversité - Golf Sainte Baume panneau pédagogique 2

Environnement - aménagements et engagements au Golf Sainte Baume - certificat GEO logo

GEO (Golf Environment Organization)

Golf Sainte Baume is one of the few French golf clubs to have been awarded an international eco-label by the Golf Environment Organization (GEO).

This global organisation recognises golf courses that meet more than 300 stringent sustainable development criteria in six different areas: water, energy, pollution control, nature, management and suppliers.
Our staff can be proud of the hard work they put in every day, which we endeavour to share with our golfers.

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