Les actions menées face aux enjeux écologiques au Golf Sainte Baume à Nans Les Pins - protection de la biodiversité

Protecting biodiversity at Golf Sainte Baume

Caring for the environment is a core concern for Golf Sainte Baume. All Resonance Golf Collection golf clubs are mindful of the species living on their courses and constantly strive to protect and foster those species of fauna and flora, some of which are threatened with extinction.

Thanks to its exposure and unspoilt geographical location, this course harbors a wealth of plant life and inestimable biodiversity. However, we need to be constantly vigilant about air circulation.

Because everything grows very well and very quickly here. So much so, in fact, that if we’re not constantly vigilant, certain areas can quickly become very dense and choke the lawn. So we always keep an eye out for sufficient air corridors, especially on the greens.

More than 1,000 different species have been recorded on the Golf Sainte Baume course, from woodpeckers and lizards to snakes and the European Roller, a blue bird that lives in the plane trees and has just returned from Africa. It would have been a pity to possess knowledge of this richness and not share it with the site’s main visitors. Hence the idea of setting up educational panels dedicated to water lilies, bird species or preserved meadows such as those along hole 3.

Préservation de la biodiversité - Golf Sainte Baume panneau pédagogique 3
La préservation de la biodiversité au Golf Sainte Baume

Species protection and information

Educational initiative for biodiversity

Préservation de la biodiversité - Golf Sainte Baume panneau pédagogique

Since May 2023, we have been installing educational panels on each tee related to the site’s rich biodiversity. The idea behind these panels is to show that each hole on the course has its own specific flora and fauna.

Right from the tee, these panels provide simple but very concrete information on the species present on the hole the golfer is about to play. Feedback from players has been very positive, and above all, the panels are conducive to a different kind of dialogue.

It’s a means of communication in the truest sense of the word, on subjects we don’t usually discuss with customers. But it’s also a medium for exchange and education with non-golfers.

In the long term, the idea is to get local schools involved, and have children and their parents spend a few hours on the course. From there, we can imagine everything: treasure hunts, walks linked to this biodiversity, and a little discovery of the golf course along the way.

We were keen to share the fact that our maintenance practices help preserve this great wealth of biodiversity on the Sainte Baume course.

A commitment to local biodiversity

Installation de 40 Ruches au Golf Sainte Baume : Un Engagement pour la Biodiversité et l'Économie Locale

In June 2024, we installed 40 beehives on the Golf Sainte Baume course, an initiative that perpetuates our commitment to biodiversity and the local economy.

In collaboration with a local beekeeper, these hives will contribute to the preservation of bees and the pollination of surrounding plants, enriching our ecosystem.

An experience that goes beyond golf, with the possibility of tasting honey at the golf course, on sale at the proshop.

Our actions in favor of biodiversity certified

Les actions menées face aux enjeux écologiques au Golf Sainte Baume à Nans Les Pins - protection de la biodiversité
  • Certifications and labels

This label is part of the Golf pour la Biodiversité (Golf for Biodiversity) program, a national program run by the FFGolf with the scientific and technical support of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. Its aim is to improve knowledge, management and conservation of biodiversity in golf areas, and to raise awareness among golfers.

By taking concrete, committed action, Golf Sainte Baume was one of the first golf courses in France to officially announce that it had been awarded the Bronze Label for Biodiversity.

Golf Sainte Baume had already been one of the few golf courses in France to be awarded the international ecolabel, issued by the “Golf Environnement Organisation (GEO)”.

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